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Priority Plastics Gets Recognized as
Virox Technologies Inc. International
Vendor of the Year

Working hard for our customers is expected – Ensuring quality standards are met. Getting out orders on time. Managing production and communications every step of the way. These are some of the basics of ensuring our customers are satisfied.

Priority Plastics’ relationship with VIROX dates back several years. Their products have been vital and essential during the global health crisis in early and mid 2020. Our recent investments in new technology and quick problem-solving skills helped VIROX keep pace with demand. To learn more about our partnership, read our case study below:

Case Study

Helping to Meet Their Highest Volume Output in Virox History

Virox Technologies Inc. produces over one million canisters of infection prevention wipes per month delivering to over 70 countries. Ratcheting up our operations and ensuring clear communications to problem solve and meet market demand was our highest priority.

“We recently awarded our 2022 Virox Vendor of the Year Awards and are thrilled to announce that Priority Plastics Inc. has once again been named the Virox International Vendor of the Year. This year they share the award with Rebel Converting, LLC. who they worked closely with to help us produce our highest volume output in Virox history. Priority Plastics is an outstanding partner whose company-wide support, collaborative strategic planning, and facility investments continue to help Virox address the infection prevention needs of multiple markets during these challenging times. We look forward to our continued and valued partnership!.” ~Virox LinkedIn

We continually work together to help our partner meet demands and deliver their products to the world. We are honored to be recognized for our efforts and contributions.

Being a mid-sized company, we are nimble and able to shift quickly. Our facilities in Grinnell, Iowa and Portland, IN went into high gear, picking up production demand. Furthermore, to keep up with the necessary lid for each container, Priority Plastics also invested in two new lid molds ensuring ample supply. Realizing future demand was going to continue and to ensure more customers could receive the products they need, we further invested in high-speed wheel technology, and increased our canister capacity and equipment in our Denver facility to include the purchase of a new all-electric machine for further capacity. We continue to grow and expand into more industries and are excited about the opportunities ahead with leading partnerships like Virox.

We Invest in Your Priorities – PriorityONE.

This is what PriorityONE is all about. Identifying and addressing potential impediments to growth, efficiency and expansion that can keep our customers from meeting their goals. PriorityONE brings the expertise and quality of a packaging manufacturer dedicated to your company’s growth strategy. These relationships allow PPI to focus exclusively on your packaging logistics. PriorityONE offers partnerships with key customers wanting to better manage their production through quality control, on-time delivery and total cost of ownership.