ISBM Technology: Our Sweet Spot!

Priority Plastics’ new ISBM Technology creates more innovative possibilities for our PET container customers. Injection Stretch Blow Molding capabilities make us a perfect partner for companies in specialty foods, snacks, candies or confections who are looking to refresh or re-invent their product packaging standards. PET containers are a ”clearly” better approach! Crisp and Clear: Benefits […]
Our Technology is National News

Our new ISBM capabilities in Priority Plastics’ Portland, Indiana plant continue to make headlines in top industry trade publications. Our technology is national news. We’ve received well-earned accolades in the February 2021 edition of Plastics Technology magazine. The article highlighted our capabilities for large and wide-mouth containers and drums. The author identified these products as […]
Better Brand Building with New ISBM PET Packaging

The competition is tough. It’s challenging to stand out on a shelf among your strongest competition. Always grabbing for attention, seeking the next sale. You’ll experience better brand building with new PET packaging solutions by Priority Plastics. Consider Updating Your Packaging. Brand awareness can be dramatically improved with innovative packaging. Consider something more impactful. Eye […]