Innovative Technologies. Unique Solutions.

In his recent interview with Manufacturing Technology Insights Magazine, Priority Plastics President Scott Dowrey’s message came through loud and clear: the key to market leadership lies in adopting innovative technologies to provide unique solutions for your customers. The publication recently named Priority Plastics a Top Manufacturing Packaging Solutions Provider for 2021. Priority Plastics has garnered […]
Our Technology is National News

Our new ISBM capabilities in Priority Plastics’ Portland, Indiana plant continue to make headlines in top industry trade publications. Our technology is national news. We’ve received well-earned accolades in the February 2021 edition of Plastics Technology magazine. The article highlighted our capabilities for large and wide-mouth containers and drums. The author identified these products as […]
Better Brand Building with New ISBM PET Packaging

The competition is tough. It’s challenging to stand out on a shelf among your strongest competition. Always grabbing for attention, seeking the next sale. You’ll experience better brand building with new PET packaging solutions by Priority Plastics. Consider Updating Your Packaging. Brand awareness can be dramatically improved with innovative packaging. Consider something more impactful. Eye […]
Label Application: Leave THAT to us
Save time and costs with label application. We think having the professionals who know containers inside and out are best able to provide label application to your finished products. Priority Plastics understands the importance of being accurate, being flexible, and being reliable and consistent in meeting your very specific labeling needs. So take the pressure […]
Promotions and New Positions

At Priority Plastics, our VISION Process is our essential organizational and operational framework. Striving to achieve these ideals is central to helping us achieve our long-term visions. It’s how we ethically and effectively grow our company while creating a culture that allows us to prosper and improve together. The pillars of our Vision Process are: […]
Supplier of Excellence

Although the roots of Priority Plastics date back to 1895, the primary brand promises of our business have always been centered on fulfilling the needs of our customers.
We Do Wholesale Packaging

Once you partner with Priority Plastics for your wholesale packaging projects, you can check that task off your list and never have to worry about it again!