Protecting the earth is one of our top priorities.
We are continuously exploring new ways to expand our sustainability efforts.
At Priority Plastics, we aspire to offer a responsible packaging footprint. We strive to meet environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives by delivering solutions that will help meet the sustainability goals of our customers; reduce the impact of plastic manufacturing on the environment and improve the lives of our employees. To these ends, we have taken actions in the following areas: Products, Operations, Equipment & Technology.

PRODUCTS: Reduce virgin resin usage, securely protect the product inside, improve longevity, sustain quality and reduce waste.
- Fully recyclable PETE and HDPE resins
- Light-weighting
- Multi layer technologies.
- Post-consumer resins
Look for products with these symbols to improve your sustainability goals.
Products marked with this symbol are available in light-weight versions. On average, these items are produced using 20% less resins – without compromising product durability.
Products marked with this symbol are available in multi-layer versions. The core content contains recycled material or post consumer resins – sandwiched between virgin resin layers.
Products marked with this symbol are available in up to 100% post-consumer resin.
PETE – Lightweight, fully recyclable, available in PCR
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HDPE – Lightweight, fully recyclable, available in PCR and multi-layer
[products_carousel category=”hdpe-containers” columns=”3″ limit=”15″ orderby=”desc”]
OPERATIONS: Improve plant processes to be more efficient with energy and water usage as well as reducing waste to the landfill.
- ZERO WASTE initiatives
- Circular scrap – reuse/regrind trimmings, waste and cross-plant reutilization
- Recycling initiatives for corrugate, oil, paper
EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY: Investing in innovation that helps reduce green house gas emissions and increase productivity.
- Legacy equipment upgrades and investments.
- All electric machines
- Faster change overs
- Higher cavitation
- Material handling system automation
- Plant infrastructure improvements
- Carbon foot print calculations
- Utility usage reduction
The EPA defines sustainable manufacturing as follows:
“…the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources”
All of these various methodologies and other such initiatives we will help build a better future for our partners and for us. We continually endeavor to find ways to grow our resources and support your company by delivering complete packaging solutions that are tailored to your unique needs – all with sustainable practices in mind.
When you team up with Priority Plastics, you are getting a partner that invests in your future.