Product/Price Info - 800-670-0448
Plants - 877-752-0770


For more than 25 years Priority Plastics has been providing dry pack wipe solutions to the healthcare, electronics, cosmetics, personal care, household cleaning, automotive, marine maintenance, animal care, industrial and sanitation markets.

We have the capability to produce a complete towel wipe package: canister, lid, and towels in one convenient dry pack solution. Our operation includes cutting, perforating, rolling and insertion of towel material, induction sealing of caps and closures, pressure sensitive canister labeling, and packing/ shipping of finished product. We also provide bracket kits and pre-form tamper resistant bands to ensure safety and security.


Our canister bases are made of either HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) or PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), BPA-free and FDA compliant. Our production facilities are EPA-registered and in full conformity with Prop 65 and CONEG requirements. Our snap top and spring closures are made of polypropylene, providing a long-lasting living hinge.

We continue to expand capabilities and capacity in sleeve labeling, pressure sensitive labeling, closure lining and secondary assembly. And through our partnership with market-leading silk screen processors, we’re able to provide you with a complete package: container, closure, lining and decoration all from one manufacturer.

Dry Pack Towel Wipes

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We offer a wide variety of towel wipe product sizes and shapes:

  • 83mm SNPT – 3 different sizes with 83mm neck finishes for SNPT style closures.
  • 120mm ST – 8 different sizes with 120mm neck finishes for both spring and SNPT style closures.


  • 83mm SNPT Lids
  • 120mm Spring Lids/120mm SNPT Lids

We also offer a wide variety of lid color options for branding options:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • White
  • Black


Looking for a start to finish solution?

Our experts will help you find the perfect answer to your towel wipe packaging needs.

Seamless Results With A Brand You Trust

At whatever stage your product development, we can help! As an accomplished wipes manufacturer, we will work alongside your team to make your towel wipe product better than ever. Unlike manufacturers with less experience, we know what it takes to deliver results that exceed expectations. Our team has expertise across a multitude of industries and is ready to aid you in bringing the perfect towel wipes product to market. Whether you are still in the planning stage, or are simply looking for a redesign, let us help you make your project a success!

If one of our industry standard sizes doesn’t fit your business needs, we have a long history developing custom solutions that we’d love to put to work for you. Contact us today and we’ll get your project up and going on the path to success.