Product/Price Info - 800-670-0448
Plants - 877-752-0770


Our Technology is National News

Our new ISBM capabilities in Priority Plastics’ Portland, Indiana plant continue to make headlines in top industry trade publications. Our technology is national news.  We’ve received well-earned accolades in the February 2021 edition of Plastics Technology magazine. The article highlighted our capabilities for large and wide-mouth containers and drums.  The author identified these products as […]

PriorityPour Tight Heads – Superior Quality

Are you still counting on that open-head pail? The one that leaks, spills and splatters and has caused substantial loss of your valuable inventory? If so, you will want to take a much closer look at PriorityPour Tight Heads – Superior Quality. Our product saves you time, money and a great deal of hassle. It’s […]

Serving New Tight Head Markets

Priority Plastics Cyclone Tight Heads

At Priority Plastics, tight head manufacturing is an ever-growing part of our container business.  There are many great reasons why these are such successful products. Simply put, a tight head is a safer, more durable and more secure alternative to an open head bucket. That’s why we’re on a quest to educate all our industrial […]

The History of Sustainability

History of Sustainability

At Priority Plastics, we take our commitment to sustainability quite seriously. Throughout the history of sustainability, the word has conjured multiple or sometimes contradictory definitions. Some critics perceive it as a buzzword of the 20th century ecology movement.  In fact, the origins of the word date back almost 300 years. Like many words, “sustainability” has […]